InstaMag - Best Android App to create photo collage

Posted by on 2/11/2014
Price: Free | Size: 20MB | Download Link: Google Play
Developed By: Fotoable, Inc

Best Android Apps Instamag    Best Android Apps Instamag Magazine Style   Best Android Apps Instamag Modern Style

If you want to create stylish and unique collage images either to showcase your products or for your social media profiles, one of the Android Apps Instamag comes in handy for use.  The latest Instamag version 2.5 gives you two collage modes as Magazine and Modern Style.

1. Features of Magazine Style

The traditional magazine style gives you the choice of 200 plus elegant styles to pick and let you to add up to 9 photos per collage.  The design style includes Portrait, Square, Landscape, and Stripe modes to fit all your purposes.  One of the cool features is, once you select the style your phone image gallery will be automatically opened for you to select the images.  All you want is to select the images you want, choose your mode of display, arrange the images by drag and drop and add text if you want, and save up the image with a single tap.  Within seconds your collage image will be ready for use.
You can also choose the layout and the text color that suits your interest.

2. Features of Modern Style

The latest modern style is even more elegant and gives you option to add up to 12 photos and over 10K possible layouts.  If you are confused to choose the suitable layout, just select the pictures to include and let the app to choose the appropriate layout for you.  Always you can change the collage layout by hitting the next option.  Simply drag and drop the images to alter the arrangements.  The modern layout flaunts with enhancement features like image filters, context information like text, weather, travel, location, feelings and much more to your collage.  Also there is option to change the in-between images border color and thickness.

As per the developers new layout styles are updated twice a week to their layout library.  They should consider giving a premium version without instamag watermark and it would be highly beneficial for businesses.  Other than that, it’s one of the best android apps available for free.  Just try at least once and you won’t regret.

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